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Infinite Gratitude to our
International Peace Pole Makers

Each Peace Pole is hand crafted and made to order by our dedicated Peace Pole Makers who are based in six locations around the world.  It is their passion to lovingly craft each and every Peace Pole with positive intentions and care.

We are proud to introduce our international Peace Pole Makers to you.


Charlie Cafiero
The Peace Pole Project headquarters
World Peace Sanctuary
Wassaic, New York  USA

May Peace Prevail on Earth - Five profound words that can guide humanity towards a future that can ensure all the wisdom and everything that is truly good, not only for the six billion human inhabitants of our planet, but for every living entity to follow in our footsteps.

I have had the incredibly good fortune in my life to be one of the few humans chosen to share this profound statement of May Peace Prevail on Earth with humanity through the crafting Peace Poles.

The gift I have been given to make Peace Poles has allowed me to be a planetary acupuncturist. Peace Poles inscribed with the words May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages, act as conduit across our globe to help bring humanity to its highest vibration, a vibration of love, of empathy, of the true deep desire of each one of us to live on a planet we can truly be proud of.



Uma Uchima
The Peace Pole Project
Allanton Peace Sanctuary
Dumfries, Scotland, UK

Making a hundred Peace Pole brings us a hundred steps closer to our ultimate purpose and mission of creating peace on this beautiful planet.

When I craft a Peace Pole I play harmonious music to embrace each and every peace pole sending out positive waves out to the universe.  I imagine the composers are happy to know that they are contributing to peace on earth through the powerful vibrations of their harmonious music.



Emi Tatara
Assistant Koji Tanaka
Fuji Heywa Kogei
Shizuoka, Japan

May Peace Prevail On Earth is a message that is at the core of our values.  Peace Poles serve to carry our message of peace out to the world and helps to accomplish our purpose which is to instill the spirit of peace, harmony and compassion.

Let us encourage the planting to Peace Poles worldwide to gain more support and ignite a global spiritual awakening.



Heidi Unferdorben
Peace Poles Pacific Region
Adelaide, Australia

Heidi has a background in working for the Department of Education and is fully committed to extending that love for public service to the crafting and planting Peace Poles.  She was involved in the Rotary South Australia Peace Pole Project, saw 150 Peace Poles being planted under that Project, and attended some 40 Peace Pole dedications.  She is a proud member of the Rotary Club of Adelaide and serves as a peace builder and community leader.



Benjamin Kirschner &
Dirk Engelberts
Stolzenau, Germany

We make peace poles because peace poles can be a small contribution to world peace and if this is our contribution, we are happy to share our part. 

Benjamin & Dirk operate Arlecchino, a shop which specializes in hand crafted and lovely wooden toys for children.  They have a passion for peace and have agreed to craft Peace Poles for us.  You can view their wooden toys here: 



Herzfeld Sennrüti
Degersheim, Switzerland

This amazing living and learning cooperative crafts wooden Peace Poles as a group project.  We are proud to introduce them to you.

Herzfeld Sennrüti is a cooperative community in east Switzerland made up of a lively group of about 40 adults and 30 children and teens.  They follow a holistic life concept since 2006 which include the practice of: ecological living, sustainable economy, social structures, spiritual practice in everyday life, art and culture, and integration into wider society. 



Jim & Sue Law
Peace Pole Makers USA, LLC
St. Louis, MO

Peace by its very nature is quiet. It starts in our hearts and expands into our homes and communities by the thoughts and actions that we each experience every day.

We feel a great responsibility as the 3rd generation of operating Peace Pole Makers, USA in contributing to the legacy of handcrafting each pole with the utmost care and attention to detail. Since its inception, every Peace Pole has been customized to the purchaser’s specifications. It is an honor and a privilege to continue providing the highest standard of craftsmanship with every Peace Pole sold.

The spirit and infinite hope for Peace is infused into every pole, beginning with the selection of material to packaging for delivery to join with the multitude of Peace Poles already standing proudly throughout the world. Our hope is that every pole will instill in those who see it a desire for a peaceful world.
